Dr. Isni Arliyani, ST. MT
- Undergraduate: Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Airlangga
- Doctoral: Departemen Teknik Lingkungan , FTSPK-Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
- Sertifikasi Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja no. 5/0500150523/AS.01.03/V/2023. Calon Ahli Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja. Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan Republik Indonesia. 2023
- International Pre-Conference the Desertification and Drought Day: Land Degradation Impacted to Reducing the Productive Land and Environmental Damage, Association of Indonesia Environmental Expert, 17 Juni 2020
- Kuliah Umum Penghijauan Adaptasi Kehidupan Baru, Pascasarjana Universitas Plangka Raya, 29 Juni 2020
- Webinar Molecular Biology Bact to Basics- Episode 1: Nucleic acid sample preparation and PCR tips and tools. PT Genetika Science Indonesia, 12 Oktober 2021
- Blue Energy and Blue Economy Virtual Program, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom, Britihsh Council, and Aquatera Ltd. UK, 20-30 Juni 2022
- Diklat Optimalisasi Microsoft Excel (MACRO) untuk Pendidik, Diklat Online, 13-16 April 2022
- Training Dasar-dasar K3 Kesehatan Kerja, Higiene Perusahaan, Ergonomi dan Kesehatan (Hiperkes), dan Basic Fire Safety Management System. Mutiara Mutu Sertifikasi. 13-21 April 2022
- Webinar Peran Pemodelan Kualitas Sungai QUAL2KW dan WASP dalam Pertek Air Limbah, Ecoedu, 11 Agustus 2022
- Webinar Penulisan Ilmiah dalam Pusaran Teknologi AI, Universitas Gadjah Mada, 14 Maret 2023
- Webinar Perhitungan Gas Rumah Kaca, Ecoedu, 16 Maret 2023
- Webinar Optimalisasi Pengelolaan Sungai dan Pemodelan, Ecoedu, 23 Maret 2023
- Pelatihan Pendampingan Menulis Artikel Systematic Literature Review, PT. Ebiz Prima Nusa, 20 Maret-17 April 2023
- Pelatihan Penulisan Artikel Meta-Analysis menggunakan Revman 5.3, PT. Ebiz Prima Nusa, 28 Maret-21 April 2023
- Webinar Strategi Pengelolaan Sungai di Indonesia, Ecoedu 4 Mei 2023
- Webinar Green Building, PT. Properindo Enviro Tech, 23 Mei 2023
- Webinar Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air, Ecoedu, 25 Mei 2023
- Webinar Aspek Teknis Insenerator, Ecoedu, 1 Juni 2023
- Workshop Akuisisi Data untuk Analisis Hidrologi di ArcGis, Creative Station, 17 Juni 2023
- Basic degree of competency and skill in Public Speaking, Ganesha Public Sepaking, 20-21 Mei 2023
- Workshop for Global Engineering in Asia (JWGEA) 2023. ITS Global Engagement, 2-4 August 2023
- Pelatihan Penyusunan KLHS. Eco.edu. 23-27 Oktober 2023
- International Conference on Environmental Science and Renewable Energy, China 5-7 Juni, 2021
- International Virtual Symposium on Environmental and Green Chemistry For Sustainable Development (EnvChem) 2021, Malaysia 9 Juni 2021
- International Postgraduate Student Conference (IPSConf) 2021, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. 11-12 November 2021
- The 16th International Student Conference on Advanced Science and Technology (ICAST) 2021, Japan 2- 3 December, 2021
- The 3rd International Conference On Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Applications, Research, and Technology (ICON-SMART) 2022, Bali 3-4 June 2022
- The 17th International Student Conference on Advanced Science and Technology (ICAST) 2022, Japan 1-2 December, 2022
- International Postgraduate Conference on Biotechnology (IPCB) 2023, National University of Singapore. 22-23 Agustus, 2023
- DETOKSIFIKASI LINDI OLEH TUMBUHAN AIR DALAM LAHAN BASAH BUATAN,Dibiayai oleh: Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, sesuai dengan Surat Perjanjian Pelaksanaan Penelitian Dasar dan Pembinaan/Kapasitas Penelitian Pendidikan Magister Menuju Doktor Program Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Tahun Anggaran 2020-2022 Nomor : 2195/PKS/ITS/2020, 1039/PKS/ITS/2021, 1575/PKS/ITS/2022.
- Development of Constructed Wetland Microbial Fuel Cells for Leachate Treatment.Penelitian PKPI. Dibiayai oleh: Direktorat Sumber Daya Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi. Nomor : 085.14/E4.4/KU/2022 Tanggal 17 Oktober 2022.
- Kuncoro, E. P., Fahmi, M. Z., Ama, F., Arliyani, I., & Syaifuddin, M. (2019). Adsorption of PB (II) from aqueous solution using mixture of tofu solid waste and bentonite. Pollution Research, 38(August Supplement), S173-S176.
- Arliyani, I., Tangahu, B. V., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2021). Plant diversity in a constructed wetland for pollutant parameter processing on leachate: A review. Journal of Ecological Engineering, 22(4), 240-255.
- Arliyani, I., Tangahu, B. V., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2021, August). Selection of Plants for Constructed Wetlands Based on Climate and Area in the Interest of Processing Pollutant Parameters on Leachate: A Review. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 835, No. 1, p. 012003). IOP Publishing.
- Arliyani, I., Tangahu, B. V., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2021). Performance of Reactive Nitrogen in Leachate Treatment in Constructed Wetlands. Journal of Ecological Engineering, 22(5), 205-213
- Tangahu, B. V., Kartika, A. A. G., Sambodho, K., Marendra, S. M. P., & Arliyani, I. (2021). Shallow groundwater pollution index around the location of Griyo Mulyo landfill (Jabon landfill) in Jabon district, Sidoarjo regency, east java, Indonesia. Journal of Ecological Engineering, 22(3), 199-210.
- Kuncoro, E. P., Arliyani, I., & Darmoekoesoemo, H. (2022). Removal of Pb (II) Ions from Aqueous Solution using Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King) Sawdust as Lowcost Adsorbent. JKPK (Jurnal Kimia dan Pendidikan Kimia), 7(1), 38-49.
- Tangahu, B. V., Titah, H. S., Purwanti, I. F., Arliyani, I., Wardhani, W. K., Hidayat, K., & Suhartana, I. K. (2022). Anticipation methods for management of ship oil spills on the sea. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 24(5), 1718-1726.
- Tangahu, B. V., Winata, A. Y., & Arliyani, I. (2022). Range finding test and measurement of wet weight and dry weight of Vetiveria zizanioides as an initial stage of phytoremediation of soil contaminated with used lubricants. Plant Science Today, 9(2), 331-335.
- Arliyani, I., Tangahu, B. V., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2022). The Identification Morphology Rhizobacterial Candidates for Enhanched Rhizodegradation. AIP Conference Proceeding.
- Arliyani, I., Tangahu, B. V., Mangkoedihardjo, S., Zulaika, E., & Kurniawan, S. B. (2023). Enhanced leachate phytodetoxification test combined with plants and rhizobacteria bioaugmentation. Heliyon, e12921.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S., & Arliyani, I. (2023). Performance of Selected Plants Based Growth on Landfill Leachate Treatment Using Wetland Application. ISRAA University Journal of Applied Science (IUJAS) 6 (2).
- Arliyani, I., Ni’am, A., C., Murti, R. H., Sayifuddin, M., You, S., J., Kuncoro, E., P., & Wang, Y., F. (2023). Effect of Oxidated Golden Shower on The Adsorption of Diclofenac Sodium in Wastewaster. Environmental Quality Management.
- Arliyani, I., Tangahu, B. V., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. The Condition of Plants during Leachate Treatment in Pilot Scale Constructed Wetland. International Journal of Ecology. (Accepted).
- Arliyani, I., Tangahu, B. V., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. The Comparison of Ratio Bioaugmentation in Constructed Wetland for Leachate Tratment. (Submitted)
- Arliyani, I., Noori, MD. T., Min, B., Tangahu, B. V., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. An overview of the capabilities of CW-MFC for leachate treatment and power generation. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. (Under review).
- Tangahu, B. V., Sambodho, K., Rifani, M., Marendra S. M. P., Kartika, A., A., G., & Arliyani, I. The Distribution of Leachate Pollutants from The Jabon Landfill, Sidoarjo Regency. The Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management (JSWTM). (Major revisions)
- Tangahu, B. V., Hidayati, D., Kartika, A., A., G., & Arliyani, I. Biomonitoring of Ranupani Lake Water by using Water Pollution Quality Index. Environmental Quality Management. (Under Review)
- Penyusun buku capaian PT Indonesia Power Unit Pembangkit Semarang dan Suralaya, 2017
- Asisten Dosen Praktikum Ekologi Umun, Program Studi Ilmu dan Teknologi Lingkungan, Universitas Airlangga, 2017
- Magang, Dinas Lingkungan Hidup (DLH) Kota Surabaya, 2018
- Research internship, Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU), Taiwan, 2018
- Praktek Kerja Lapangan, CV Cita Nasional, Salatiga, 2018
- Staff Engineering PT Pembangunan Perumahan (PP) Persero Tbk., 2021
- Asisten Ahli, Persetujuan Teknis Pertamina Plaju, 2022
- Asisten Ahli, Feasibility Study (FS) TPA Regional Kabupaten dan Kota Blitar, 2022
- Asisten Ahli, Dokumen Lingkungan SKTT 150Kv GI kV Bungah (JIIPE) Manyar PT PLN (Persero) UIP JBTB, 2022
- Research internship Kyung Hee University (KHU), Korea Selatan, 2022
- Research internship Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia, 2023
- Conference chairman. The 16th International Student Conference on Advanced Science and Technology (ICAST) 2021, Japan 2- 3 December, 2021
- Conference chairman. International Postgraduate Conference on Biotechnology (IPCB) 2023, National University of Singapore. 22-23 Agustus, 2023
- Speaker. Weekly Speakup Eps. 115. Ganesha Public Speaking. 13 Juli 2023
- Speaker. Gomawo-Fest 2023 Week 3. 25-28 August 2023
- Editor. Plant Science Today Journal. 2023
- Moderator. The International Conference on Environmental and Earth Sciences (ICEES) 2023. 25-26 Oktober 2023
- Reviewer International Conference of Biology for Student (IcoBioS) 2023 x INBIO. 2023
- Best Presentation ASIA Young Sociopreneurship Leader Exchange, Hongkong, 2018
- Best 30 Participants English Workshop for Graduate Students with Virtual English Language Fellow, 2021
- Best Video Presentation Virtual Colloquium Series 2020-2021 International Symposium on Environmental and Green Chemistry for Sustainable Development (EnVChem), 2021