Prof. Dr. Ir. Sarwoko Mangkoedihardjo, MScES
- Education
- Working Experience
- Books
- Peer-Reviewed Proceedings of International Conferences
- Peer-Reviewed Proceedings of National Conferences
- Peer-Reviewed of International Journal Papers
- Research Projects (PI, otherwise other name mentioned)
- Short Courses or Trainings
- Peer-Reviewed of National Journal Papers
- Speeches and Presentations (Domestic)
- Organizing International Conferences, Workshops and Seminars
- Achievements
- Formal: Civil servant at the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, 1984-present.
- Professional for various projects in the fields of drinking water, wastewater, and solid waste, in various cities in Java and outside Java, 1981-2008:
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2008). Team Leader ITS untuk Jasa Penasihatan dan Pendampingan Proyek Instalasi Pengolahan Air Minum Karangpilang III PDAM Surabaya, 2006-2008. ITS Surabaya.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2005). Solid Waste Management Expert to the Western Java Environmental Management Project, 2003-2005. PT Indulexco.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2003). Tenaga Ahli Perusahaan Daerah Air Bersih Provinsi Jawa Timur, 2002-2003. PDAB Provinsi Jawa Timur.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2002). Tenaga Ahli Lingkungan untuk PT Indulexco Surabaya, 2000-2002. PT Indulexco.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2000). Team Leader Sewerage and Sanitation Development Programme for the City of Surabaya, 1996-2000. PT Indulexco.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (1996). Environmental Expert Advisory Services to Urban Management Unit Kota Surabaya, 1995-1996. PT Indulexco.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (1995). Team Leader Master plan dan desain teknis air limbah perpipaan Kota Palu Sulawesi Tengah, 1994-1995. PT Indulexco.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (1994). Team Leader Master Plan Dan Desain Teknis Air Limbah Perpipaan Kota Jambi Sumatera, 1993-1994. PT Indulexco.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (1994). Sanitary Engineer Project Preparation for Kota Malang East Java. PT Indulexco.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (1993). Team Leader Surabaya Urban Development Project for Solid Waste Managament Study, 1992-1993. PT Indulexco.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (1992). Sanitary Engineer Surabaya Urban Development Project for Human Waste and Industrial Wastes, 1990-1992. PT Indulexco.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (1984). Sanitary Engineer Pacific Consultant International in Association pada Proyek Pengembangan Sumber Air Umbulan untuk Kota Surabaya dan sekitarnya, 1983-1984. PT Astron Polaris.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (1983). Tenaga Ahli Perencana Penyediaan Air Bersih 5 RSU di Kalimantan Tengah, 1981-1983. PT Astron Polaris.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (1983). Team Leader Proyek Air Bersih APBD 83/84 untuk 3 Desa di Propinsi Jawa Timur, 1981-1983. PT Astron Polaris.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (1983). Sanitary Engineer I: Deputy Team Leader Konsortium Konsultan III Proyek Air Bersih IBRD 25 Kota di Jawa Timur, 1981-1983. PT Astron Polaris.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (1983). Hidrologist eksplorasi sumber-sumber air lokasi Transmigrasi di Kalimantan Barat, 1981-1983. PT Astron Polaris.
- 2016 : Bieby Voijant Tangahu, Sarwoko Mangkoedihardjo, Harmin Sulistiyaning Titah, Buku Praktik Remediasi Lingkungan
- 2013 : Sarwoko Mangkoedihardjo,, Coastal landuse change and the need of greenspace for sustainable waterfront settlement of South Sulawesi
- 2012 : Sarwoko Mangkoedihardjo, Get ready praktik mandiri menulis artikel jurnal internasional
- 2012 : Sarwoko Mangkoedihardjo,, Evapotranspiration Units For Sanitation Infrastructure
- 2012 : Sarwoko Mangkoedihardjo,, Evaluasi dan Perencanaan Kebutuhan Air Minum
- 2011 : Sarwoko Mangkoedihardjo, ,, Phytotreatment for Wastewater: Strategies and Practices for High Concentrations of Organic Matter
- 2011 : Sarwoko Mangkoedihardjo, Applied Phytotechnology in Environmental Sanitation for the Tropics and the Ocean Countries
- 2010 : Sarwoko Mangkoedihardjo,, Fitoteknologi Terapan
- 2010 : Sarwoko Mangkoedihardjo,, Trophical Sanitation by Ecophytostructure of Indonesia
- 2010 : Sarwoko Mangkoedihardjo, Loop Management of Solid Waste in Indonesia
Scopus profile: [1-4]. NonScopus profile: [5-8].
- Arliyani, I., Tangahu, B. V., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2021). Selection of Plants for Constructed Wetlands Based on Climate and Area in the Interest of Processing Pollutant Parameters on Leachate: A Review. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 835, p. 12003).
- Rochmah, W. N., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2020). Toxicity Effects of Organic Substances on Nitrification Efficiency. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 506, p. 12011).
- Kholida, S. N., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2020). Effects of Organic Substance on Denitrification Efficiency. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 506, p. 12015).
- Samudro, G., Andarani, P., Syafrudin, Nugraha, W. D., Wardhana, I. W., Mangkoedihardjo, S., … Hakiem, R. T. (2019). Comparison of Waste Volumes on Power Generation and COD Removal in Solid Phase Microbial Fuel Cell (SMFC). In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 366, p. 12034).
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2016). Phytotechnology for Bioremediation of Contaminated Soils–The Essential Conditions for Mixed Plants. In Current Trends in Biotechnological Research for Environmental Sustainability (pp. 23–24). Presented at the 3rd International Postgraduate Conference on Biotechnology (IPCB) 2016, Surabaya: ITS Indonesia, Soka University Japan, University Malaysia Terengganu.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2014). Quantitative Phytotechnology for Environmental Pollution Prevention (p. 6). Presented at the 2nd International Biology Conference (IBOC) 2014: Biodiversity and Biotechnology for Human Welfare, Surabaya: Department of Biology ITS.
- Damayanti, A., Ujang, Z., Salim, M. R., Ahmad, Z., Nawawi, Z., Ismail, N., … Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2013). Bacterial Identification in Hybrid Membrane Bioreactor of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME). In The 4th International Seminar of Environmental Engineering Department of Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (pp. 287–294). Presented at the The 4th International Seminar of Environmental Engineering Department of Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia: Proceeding ISEE 2013.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2008). Coastal Greenspace for Depollution of Inland Sanitation Practices and Sea-based Sources (p. 6). Presented at the International Conference 2008, Sustainable Environmental Technology and Sanitation for Tropical Region, Surabaya: ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2019). Pemulihan dan Penjagaan Hayati Bagi Sumber Daya Lahan Sepanjang Badan Perairan. In Seminar Nasional Biologi “Inovasi Penelitian dan Pendidikan Biologi III (IP2B III) 2019” – Biologi, UNESA (pp. 1–4). Presented at the Seminar Nasional Biologi “Inovasi Penelitian dan Pendidikan Biologi III (IP2B III) 2019,” Surabaya: Biologi, UNESA.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2018). Penataan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Dalam Menunjang Ketersediaan Sumber Daya Air. In Departemen Teknik Lingkungan UNDIP (p. 15). Semarang: Departemen Teknik Lingkungan UNDIP.
- Safrodin, A., Mangkoedihardjo, S., & Yuniarto, A. (2017). Desain IPAL Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland Di Rusunawa Grudo Surabaya. In IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series – Simposium I Jaringan Perguruan Tinggi untuk Pembangunan Infrastruktur Indonesia (2016) (Vol. 3, pp. 198–207). Presented at the Simposium I Jaringan Perguruan Tinggi untuk Pembangunan Infrastruktur Indonesia (2016), Surabaya: IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series.
- Kurniawan, S. B., Purwanti, I. F., Tangahu, B. V., Titah, H. S., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2017). Groundwater Treatment in Rungkut Sub-District, Surabaya. In IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series (Vol. 3, pp. 229–233). Presented at the Simposium I Jaringan Perguruan Tinggi untuk Pembangunan Infrastruktur Indonesia (2016), Surabaya: IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2015). Formulasi Ruang Terbuka Hijau. In Formulasi, Regulasi dan lmplementasi Ruang Terbuka Hijau untuk Pembangunan Green City – Universitas Palangka Raya (p. 18). Presented at the Formulasi, Regulasi dan lmplementasi Ruang Terbuka Hijau untuk Pembangunan Green City – Universitas Palangka Raya, Palangka Raya: Universitas Palangka Raya.
- Irawanto, R., Hendrian, R., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2015). Konsentrasi logam berat (Pb dan Cd) pada bagian tumbuhan akuatik Acanthus ilicifolius (Jeruju). In Seminar Nasional Konservasi dan Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Alam 2015 (pp. 147–155). Presented at the Seminar Nasional Konservasi dan Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Alam 2015, Seminar Nasional Konservasi dan Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Alam 2015.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2010). Sanitasi Delta Karbon Nol Untuk Kota Surabaya (p. 8). Presented at the Seminar Nasional Teknologi Lingkungan VII, ITS, Surabaya, 25-26 Oktober 2010: Aplikasi teknologi lingkungan untuk mendukung pembangunan kota berkelanjutan (Green City)., Surabaya: Jurusan teknik Lingkungan ITS.
- Solhan, A., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2008). Evaluasi untuk pengembangan sistem pengelolaan persampahan di kota Martapura dari segi pengumpulan dan pengangkutan. In Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi VII – Program Studi MMT-ITS (p. D-19-2). Presented at the Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi VII, Surabaya: Program Studi MMT-ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2005). Seleksi Teknologi Pemulihan untuk Ekosistem Laut Tercemar Minyak (p. 9). Presented at the Seminar Nasional Teori dan Aplikasi Teknologi Kelautan ITS, Surabaya, 2005, Surabaya: Seminar Nasional Teori dan Aplikasi Teknologi Kelautan ITS, Surabaya, 2005.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2005). Perencanaan Tata Ruang Fitostruktur Wilayah Pesisir Sebagai Penyangga Perencanaan Tata Ruang Wilayah Daratan (p. 22). Presented at the Seminar Nasional Inovasi Penataan Ruang, ITS, Surabaya: Seminar Nasional Inovasi Penataan Ruang, ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2005). Fitoteknologi dan ekotoksikologi dalam desain operasi pengomposan sampah. Presented at the Seminar Nasional Teknologi Lingkungan III ITS, 2005, Surabaya: Seminar Nasional Teknologi Lingkungan III ITS, 2005.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2003). Peningkatan Kualitas Lingkungan Perkotaan: Pengelolaan Sampah dalam Perspektif Berkelanjutan (p. 12). Presented at the Diskusi Panel Bappenas, Jakarta.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2003). Luas dan Sebaran Ruang Terbuka Hijau. Presented at the Seminar Nasional Teknologi Lingkungan, PDAM Surabaya, Surabaya: Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan ITS.
Scopus profile: [1–35]. NonScopus profile: [36–84].
- Samudro, H., Samudro, G., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2022). Retrospective Study on Indoor Bioaerosol – Prospective Improvements to Architectural Criteria in Building Design. Israa University Journal of Applied Science, 6(1), 23–41.
- Samudro, H., Samudro, G., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2022). Prevention of indoor air pollution through design and construction certification: A review of the sick building syndrome conditions. Journal of Air Pollution and Health, 7(1), 81–94.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S., & Santoso, I. B. (2022). Time variability of cumulative carbon dioxide concentration for adequacy assessment of greenspace: A case study in Surabaya, Indonesia. Journal of Air Pollution and Health, 7(2), 143–156.
- Ludang, Y., Jaya, H. P., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2022). Potential Applications of Land Treatment Systems for Disinfectant-Rich Wastewater in Response to the COVID-19 Health Protocol: A Narrative Review. Journal of Environmental Health and Sustainable Development, 7(1), 1525–1535.
- Jaya, H. P., Ludang, Y., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2022). Development of traditional medicinal plants on peatland conditions in Central Kalimantan. Journal of Phytology, 14, 24–30.
- Soares, E., Hamid, A., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2021). Phytoremediation of zinc polluted soil using sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Journal of Phytology, 13, 9–12.
- Samudro, H., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2021). Indoor phytoremediation using decorative plants: An overview of application principles. Journal of Phytology, 13, 28–32.
- Kusumawati, D. I., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2021). Promising approach for composting disposable diapers enhanced by Cyanobacteria. Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management, 7(3), 439–456.
- Kusumawati, D. I., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2021). Problems and use of cyanobacteria for environmental improvement – a review. Journal of Aridland Agriculture, 7, 9–14.
- Arliyani, I., Tangahu, B. V., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2021). Plant Diversity in a Constructed Wetland for Pollutant Parameter Processing on Leachate: A Review. Journal of Ecological Engineering, 22(4), 240–255.
- Arliyani, I., Tangahu, B. V., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2021). Performance of Reactive Nitrogen in Leachate Treatment in Constructed Wetlands. Journal of Ecological Engineering, 22(5), 205–213.
- Al-Rosyid, L. M., Titah, H. S., Santoso, I. B., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2021). Review on BOD/COD Ratio Toxicity to Daphnia magna, Artemia salina and Brachydanio rerio. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 20(4), 1741–1748.
- Samudro, G., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2020). Mixed plant operations for phytoremediation in polluted environments – a critical review. Journal of Phytology, 12, 99–103.
- Purwanti, I. F., Titah, H. S., Tangahu, B. V., Mangkoedihardjo, S., Anes, M., Syawlia, R. M., & Hassan, H. A. (2020). Optimization of the coagulation flocculation process of benowo landfill using poly aluminum chloride and chitosan. Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 26, 119–123.
- Paris, D. N., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2020). Detoxification of glucose, ammonium and formaldehyde using nitrification and plant processes. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 19(1), 385–388.
- Humaira, N. G., Hamid, A., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2020). Potential of sand as a medium of water evaporation – A Review. Journal of Aridland Agriculture, 6, 18–22.
- Al-Rosyid, L. M., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2019). Relationship between BOD/cod ratio and octanol/water partition coefficient for glucose, lactose, sucrose, formaldehyde, acetic acid and oxalic acid. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 10(1), 691–696.
- Sedayu, A., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2018). Performance evaluation of housing contractor by applying the principles of environmentally friendly infrastructure. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 9(4), 1014–1022.
- Samudro, G., Syafrudin, Wardana, I., Samudro, H., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2018). Determination of the specific energy of mixed waste decomposition in compost solid phase microbial fuel cells (CSMFCS). International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 9(11), 1316–1324.
- Kotta, H., Mangkoedihardjo, S., Ludang, Y., & Trisutomo, S. (2018). The design of riparian zone in waterfront area of Tanjung Bunga, Makassar. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 9(8), 580–584.
- Zaman, B., Purwanto, P., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2017). Reversible Anaerob-Evapotranspiration Process for Removal of High Strength Ammonium in Leachate from Tropical Landfill. Advanced Science Letters, 23(3), 2586–2588.
- Hidanah, S., Nazar, D. S., Supranianondo, K., Sidik, R., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2016). Volatile fatty acids and ammonia levels in local sheep’s rumen fluid fed with fermented rice straw. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 8(2), 1324–1328.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S., & Samudro, G. (2014). Research strategy on kenaf for phytoremediation of organic matter and metals polluted soil. Advances in Environmental Biology, 8(17), 64–67.
- Santoso, I. B., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2013). Mapping cumulative carbon dioxide concentrations at two meters above the ground for greenspace assessment in Surabaya. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, 18(3), 288–292.
- Samudro, G., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2012). Urgent need of wastewater treatment based on BOD footprint for aerobic conditions of receiving water. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 8(1), 454–457.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S., & April, S. (2012). Compost on evapotranspiration bed planted with yellow flag for treatment of wastewater containing anionic surfactant. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 8(3), 1630–1633.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S., & Triastuti, Y. (2011). Vetiver in phytoremediation of mercury polluted soil with the addition of compost. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 7(4), 465–469.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2010). Individual or communal sanitation services?: Decision based on wastewater storage capacity. Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences, 4(3), 226–228.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2010). A new approach for the Surabaya sewerage and sanitation development programme 2020. Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences, 4(3), 233–235.
- Ludang, Y., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2009). Leaf area based transpiration factor for phytopumping of high organic matter concentration. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 5(10), 1416–1420.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2007). Physiochemical performance of leachate treatment, a case study for separation technique. Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(23), 3827–3830.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2007). Leaf area for phytopumping of wastewater. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 5(1), 37–42.
- Samudro, G., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2006). Water equivalent method for city phytostructure of Indonesia. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 3(3), 261–267.
- Razif, M., Budiarti, V. E., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2006). Appropriate fermentation process for tapioca’s wastewater in Indonesia. Journal of Applied Sciences, 6(13), 2846–2848.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2006). Biodegradability improvement of industrial wastewater using hyacinth. Journal of Applied Sciences, 6(6), 1409–1414.
- Samudro, H., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2021). Human carbon footprint as the basis for determining healthy indoor volume dimensions. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 15(4), 1270–1275.
- Samudro, H., Samudro, G., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2020). Scientific review of the greening approach to minimizing impact of runoff on land surface. Revista De Educacion, 388(4), 2–9.
- Sedayu, A., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2019). Housing project performance evaluation with review sharia construction management. Current World Environment, Volume 14(Issue 2), 239–244.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2019). Natural processes of plants to maintain a cool environment and aerobic conditions. Current World Environment, Volume 14(Issue 1), 3–6.
- Utomo, A. A., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2018). Preliminary assessment of mixed plants for phytoremediation of chromium contaminated soil. Current World Environment, 13(Special Issue), 22–24.
- Savitri, Y., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2018). Technical evaluation of residential wastewater treatment plant in West Lombok regency. Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences, 8(1), 102–105.
- Istianto, A., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2018). Planning greenspace for the highlands region of Surabaya. Current World Environment, 13(Special Issue), 1–3.
- Susanti, L. P., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2017). Evaluation of greenspace as phytodrainage in Sidoarjo. Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences, 7(2), 114–121.
- Sedayu, A., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2016). Service improvement of Joyoboyo public transport terminal in Surabaya. Transylvanian Review, 24(6), 403–410.
- Nazar, D. S., Warsito, S. H., Hermadi, H. A., Rimayanti, Lamid, M., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2015). Determination of the dose of medroxy progesterone acetate in intramuscular combined with esterogen for estrus induction of the fat tailed sheep. Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences, 5(11), 161–165.
- Angreni, E., Hadi, W., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2015). System dynamic modeling for behaviour pattern on process and operation of water treatment plant. Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences, 5(6), 10–15.
- Zaman, B., Purwanto, P., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2014). Plants growth rate in evapotranspiration continuous system reactors as the 2nd treatment at anaerobic-evapotranspiration system with high strength ammonium in leachate influent. International Journal of Science and Engineering, 7(1), 48–51.
- Widiyanti, A., Aisyah, R., Rachmaulin, S., Damayanti, A., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2014). Effect of selenium in leachate to BOD/COD ratio of effluent and the growth of Scirpus grossus. International Journal of Academic Research, 6(1), 39–41.
- Surtiningsih, T., Desak, N., Nurhariyati, T., Supriyanto, A., Purnobasuki, H., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2014). Effect of double inoculation biofertilizer and vesicular arbuscular mychorriza on growth and yield of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.). International Journal of Academic Research, 6(6), 308–314.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2014). Three platforms for sustainable environmental sanitation. Current World Environment, 9(2), 260–263.
- Junaidi, & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2014). Using extracellular polymeric substances from activated sludge for remediation of metal contaminated soil. International Journal of Academic Research, 6(4), 128–134.
- Samudro, G., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2013). Toxicity test series for choosing biological process and receiving body of safe disposal. International Journal of Academic Research, 5(4), 104–107.
- Lamid, M., Puspaningsih, N., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2013). Addition of lignocellulolytic enzymes into rice straw improves in vitro rumen fermentation products. Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences, 3(9), 166–171.
- Damayanti, A., Hidayanti, W., Masduqi, A., S. Soedjono, E., Widiyastuti, & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2013). The use of shells as membrane material for seawater desalination. International Journal of Academic Research, 5(6), 5–8.
- Zaman, B., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2012). Potential treatment system for ammonia in leachate, a case study for Jatibarang landfill, Central Java. Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences, 2(7), 320–325.
- Santoso, I., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2012). Time series of carbon dioxide concentration in the ambient air to determine greenspace area. International Journal of Academic Research, 4(6), 224–229.
- Samudro, G., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2012). Assessment framework for remediation technologies of oil polluted environment. International Journal of Academic Research, 4(2), 36–39.
- Permatasari, D., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2012). Hospital wastewater treatment in evapotranspiration system. International Journal of Academic Research, 4(1), 4.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S., Dwi Rahmawati, C. O., Rinpropadebi, A. H., & Putri, L. M. (2012). Phytostabilization of lead in soil by ornamental local plants and enhanced by compost addition. International Journal of Academic Research, 4(5), 95–99.
- Kadaria, U., Damayanti, A., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2012). Toxicity of wastewater from oil and filleting industries towards artemia in Muncar of Indonesia. Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences, 2(7), 336–341.
- Samudro, G., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2011). Leachate stabilization by the unstable and immature compost in evapotranspiration bed. International Journal of Modern Manufacturing Technologies, 3(1), 81–86.
- Priambodo, G., Mangkoedihardjo, S., Hadi, W., & Soedjono, E. S. (2011). Wastewater treatment strategy for fish processing industry in Kota Pantai Muncar of Indonesia. International Journal of Academic Research, 3(2), 93–97.
- Priambodo, G., Ludang, Y., Boedisantoso, R., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2011). Transpiration factor, peaking factor and plants capacity of Jatropha in phytoremediation of mercury polluted soil. International Journal of Academic Research, 3(1), 216–218.
- Mushlihah, S., Sunarto, E., Irvansyah, M. Y., Utami, R. S., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2011). Ethanol production from algae Spirogyra with fermentation by Zymomonas mobilis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, 1(7), 589–593.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2011). Phytotechnology insight for the flood plains along the river and riparian zone. International Journal of Academic Research, 3(3), 4.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2011). Extracellulary polymeric substances of biological sludge for biosorption of uranium ions. International Journal of Academic Research, 3(5), 7.
- Ludang, Y., Mangkoedihardjo, S., Hadi, W., & Jarias, S. (2011). Biodiversity of city phytostructure by incorporating indigenous knowledge for the city of Palangka Raya, Indonesia. International Journal of Academic Research, 3(6), 289–292.
- Ibrahim, R., Mangkoedihardjo, S., Hadi, W., & Syafei, A. D. (2011). Transpiration efficiency of three species of plants (Albizia saman, Swietenia mahagoni, Delonix regia) for use in city phytostructure of Surabaya. International Journal of Academic Research, 3(4), 4.
- Margareth, C., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2010). Compost as biocarrier for remediation of lead polluted soil. International Journal of Academic Research, 2(5), 153–155.
- Hidayah, W., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2010). Rice husk for bioremediation of chromium (vi) polluted soil. International Journal of Academic Research, 2(6), 35–38.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S., & Rahmaningrum, D. G. (2009). Use of leachate and compost for phytoremediation of divalent mercury polluted soil by Jatropha. World Applied Sciences Journal, 7(8), 968–970.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S., Maghriba, Y., & Boedisantoso, R. (2009). Composition of toxic leachate and unstable compost to produce biodegradable material. World Applied Sciences Journal, 7(6), 731–734.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S., Ratnawati, R., & Alfianti, N. (2008). Phytoremediation of hexavalent chromium polluted soil using Pterocarpus indicus and Jatropha curcas L. World Applied Sciences Journal, 4(3), 338–342.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2008). Jatropha curcas L. for phytoremediation of lead and cadmium polluted soil. World Applied Sciences Journal, 4(4), 519–522.
- Sarudji, D., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2007). Cement and clay treatment for organic matter containing leachate. World Applied Sciences Journal, 2(4), 387–389.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S., Pamungkas, A., Ramadhan, A., Saputro, A., Putri, D., Khirom, I., & Soleh, M. (2007). Priority improvement of solid waste management practice in Java. Journal of Applied Sciences in Environmental Sanitation, 2(1), 29–34.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2007). Topographical assessment for phytostructure distribution. Trends in Applied Sciences Research, 2(1), 61–65.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2007). Phytotechnology integrity in environmental sanitation for sustainable development. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 3(10), 1037–1044.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2007). Phytopumping indices for evapotranspiration bed. Trends in Applied Sciences Research, 2(3), 237–240.
- Samudro, G., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2006). Sedimentation and filtration for ferrous treatment of saline water. World Applied Sciences Journal, 1(1), 1–3.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2006). Revaluation of maturity and stability indices for compost. Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management, 10(3), 83–85.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2006). Phyto–assisted sanitation system. Journal of Applied Sciences in Environmental Sanitation, 1, 9–16.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2006). The kinetics of biodeconcentration for nitrate: case study on microbial denitrification and plant absorption. Malaysian Journal of Soil Science, 10, 67–75.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2005). The limiting factors of sand bed reactor for heterotrophic denitrification process in tropical conditions. Malaysian Journal of Soil Science, 9, 65–74.
- Empirical research projects in Environmental Sanitation and Phytotechnology, which includes drinking water; sanitation for wastewater, solid waste and all related wastes; ecosystem management; biodiversity; waste energy; public health; and support for agricultural productivity.
- Theoretical research projects in the form of books. International publishers in English [170–175], and national publishers in Bahasa Indonesia [176–186].
- Kotta, M., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2013). Coastal Landuse Change and the Need of Greenspace for Sustainable Waterfront Settlement of South Sulawesi in Emerging Issues in the Natural and Applied Sciences (Vol. 8). Azerbaijan: Progress IPS LLC.
- Samudro, G., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2012). Evapotranspiration units for sanitation infrastructure. In Emerging Issues in the Natural and Applied Sciences (pp. 65–80). Azerbaijan: Progress IPS LLC.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S., Samudro, G., & Ludang, Y. (2011). Phytotreatment for Wastewater: Strategies and Practices for High Concentrations of Organic Matter. S.l.: Academic Publishing.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2011). Applied Phytotechnology in Environmental Sanitation for the Tropics and the Ocean Countries in Emerging Issues in the Natural and Applied Sciences (Vol. 1). Azerbaijan: Progress IPS LLC.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S., & Samudro, G. (2010). Trophical Sanitation by Ecophytostructure of Indonesia: Concepts, Methods. Academic Publishing.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2010). Loop Management of Solid Waste in Indonesia: Practices, Treatments. Academic Publishing.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2022). Perlindungan Pesisir: Pengendalian Pencemaran dan Teknik Remediasi. Makassar: Nas Media Pustaka.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2021). Pengertian Istilah Prasarana Lingkungan. Makassar: Nas Media Pustaka.
- Tangahu, B., Titah, H., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2018). Teknologi Remediasi Lingkungan. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.
- Titah, H., Tangahu, B., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2016). Buku Praktik Remediasi Lingkungan. Surabaya: ITS Press.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S., & Samudro, G. (2012). Evaluasi dan Perencanaan Air Minum. Surabaya: Guna Widya.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2012). Get ready: Praktik mandiri menulis artikel jurnal internasional. Surabaya: Itspress.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S., & Samudro, G. (2010). Fitoteknologi Terapan. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S., & Samudro, G. (2009). Ekotoksikologi Teknosfer. Surabaya: Guna Widya.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2009). Strategi Tulis Artikel jurnal internasional. Surabaya: Guna Widya.
- Mngkoedihardjo, S. (1999). Ekotoksikologi Keteknikan. Surabaya: Mandiri, Departemen Teknik Lingkungan ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (1985). Penyediaan air bersih dasar-dasar perencanaan & evaluasi kebutuhan air. Surabaya: Teknik Penyehatan, FTSP-ITS.
- Occupational health and safety competency, Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi, 2019.
- Pelatihan ahli pengadaan barang/jasa pemerintah sesuai KEPPRES R.I. No. 80 Tahun 2003 (Angkatan XIV). Disefenggarakan ofeh Lembaga Penefitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Airlangga Bekerjasama dengan Sadan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional Republik Indonesia Tanggal 14 -16 Nopember 2006
- Rahayu, D. R., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2022). Kajian Bioaugmentasi untuk Menurunkan Konsentrasi Logam Berat di Wilayah Perairan Menggunakan Bakteri (Studi Kasus: Pencemaran Merkuri di Sungai Krueng Sabee, Aceh Jaya). Jurnal Teknik ITS, 11(1), F15–F22.
- Syafaati, S. N., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2021). Evaluasi dan Perencanaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Berbasis Serapan Emisi Karbon Dioksida (CO2) di Zona Barat Kota Surabaya. Jurnal Teknik ITS, 9(2), F222–F229.
- Rachmayanti, L., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2021). Evaluasi dan Perencanaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) Berbasis Serapan Emisi Karbon Dioksida (CO2) di Zona Tenggara Kota Surabaya (Studi Literatur dan Kasus). Jurnal Teknik ITS, 9(2), C107–C114.
- Afifah, Y., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2018). Studi Literatur Pengolahan Air Limbah Menggunakan Mixed Aquatic Plants. Jurnal Teknik ITS, 7(1), F228–F232.
- Surahmaida, & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2017). Uji Kemampuan Tanaman Jarak Pagar (Jatropa curcas) dalam Meremediasi Tanah Tercemar Logam Berat Kadmium (Cd). Journal Pharmasci (Journal of Pharmacy and Science), 2(2), 30–34.
- Fajariyah, C., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2017). Kajian Literatur Pengolahan Lindi Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir Sampah dengan Teknik Lahan Basah menggunakan Tumbuhan Air. Jurnal Teknik ITS, 6(2), D190–D195.
- Roshintha, R. R., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2016). Analisis kecukupan ruang terbuka hijau sebagai penyerap emisi gas karbon dioksida (CO2) pada kawasan Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya. Jurnal Teknik ITS, 5(2), D132–D137.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S., & Fitria, F. L. (2016). Pengolahan Limbah Cair Tahu Menggunakan Tanaman Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) untuk Menurunkan Kadar Amonium dan BOD pada Bed Evapotranspirasi. Jurnal Purifikasi, 16(2).
- Mangkoedihardjo, S., & Argita, D. (2016). Fitoremediasi tanah inceptisols tercemar limbah laundry dengan tanaman kenaf (hibiscus cannabinus l.). Purifikasi, 16(1), 33–43.
- Irawanto, R., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2015). Fitoforensik Logam Berat (Pb dan Cd) pada Tumbuhan Akuatik (Acanthus ilicifolius dan Coix lacryma-Jobi). Purifikasi, 15(1), 53–66.
- Winursita, H., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2013). Penurunan BOD COD pada limbah katering menggunakan pengolahan fisik dan konstruksi subsurface-flow wetland dengan tanaman kana (Canna indica). Jurnal Sains dan POMITS, 2(1), 1–6.
- Rachmaulin, S., & Mangkoedihardjo, (2013). Pengaruh Waktu Pemaparan dan Jumlah Tumbuhan Terhadap Efisiensi Pengolahan Lindi TPA Sidoarjo Menggunakan Scirpus grossus. Jurnal Teknik POMITS, 2(1), 1–4.
- Zuhriah, A., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2005). Kajian Perbandingan Model Aliran Air Limbah Domestik Secara Upflow dan Downflow pada Bidang Evapotranspirasi. Purifikasi, 6(1), 1–6.
- Samudro, G., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2005). Pengolahan Air Payau Dengan Pembubuhan Besi (II) Sulfat Menggunakan Saringan Pasir Silika Untuk Menghasilkan Air Bersih. Purifikasi, 6(2), 115–120.
- Permana, I., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2003). Studi Pengendalian Leachate Landfill Kenjeran Surabaya dengan Uji Removal COD dalam Constant Head Test Melalui Variasi Komposisi Media Tanah dan Uji Toksisitas Leachate Terhadap Ikan Bandeng (Chanos-chanos (forsk)). Purifikasi, 4(4), 175–180.
- Mangkoediharjo, S. (2003). Uji Ekotoksisitas Mikrobial Untuk Penentuan Beban Volumetrik Suatu Parameter Mutu Dalam Pengolahan Mikrobial Air dan Limbah. Purifikasi, 4(2), 61–66.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2002). Waterhyacinth leaves indicate wastewater quality. Biosains, 7(1), 10–13.
- Yulianti, S., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2001). Penurunan COD Limbah Tempe dengan Anaerobic Horizontal Baffled Reactor serta Ekotoksisitasnya Terhadap Oryza sativa dan Phaseolus radiatus. Purifikasi, 2(3), np.
- Suprijono, H., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2001). Pengaruh Minyak Terhadap Depolusi Air Limbah Pabrik Kertas Dalam Reaktor Alam Tanah. Purifikasi, 2(6), 331–336.
- Kurnia, A., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2001). Uji Kemampuan Penggunaan Zeolit Alam Sebagai Media untuk Menurunkan Kandungan Logam Berat Cu, 2(5), 253–258.
- Jatmiko, M. A., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2001). Efek Lindi Sampah Terhadap Fauna Ekonomis di Pantai Ria Kenjeran Surabaya. Purifikasi, 2(1), 43–48.
- Fachruddin, M., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2001). Kinetika Transformasi Sampah Menjadi Lindi dalam Tanah Pantai Kenjeran dan Tanah NonPantai. Purifikasi, 2(4), 211–216.
- Tangahu, B., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2000). Ecotoxicity of Tempe Waste to Cygrinus caggio and COD Removal in Anaerobic Filter. Purifikasi, 1(2), 67–72.
- Permana, I., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2000). Studi Pengendalian Leachate Landfill Kenjeran Surabaya Dengan Uji Removal COD dalam Constant Head Test Melalui Variasi Komposisi Media Tanah dan Uji Toksisitas Leachate Terhadap Ikan Bandeng (Chanos-Chanos (Forsk)). Purifikasi, 1(4), 223–228.
- Pandebesie, E., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2000). Pengaruh Konsentrasi NaCl Terhadap Laju Evaporasi pada Bidang Evaporasi Air Limbah Rumah Tangga. Purifikasi, 1(5), 247–252.
- Kurniawan, I., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2000). Studi Kemampuan Geotextile Sebagai Media Biofilm Untuk Menurunkan Cod, Nitrat, Fosfat Dan Sulfat Dalam Air Buangan Industri PT SIER. Purifikasi, 1(6), 337–342.
- Andarini, P., & Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2000). Uji Toksisitas Limbah Industri Kertas pada Tanaman Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonicum) dan Cabai Merah (Capsicum annum). Purifikasi, 1(1), 49–54.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (1992). Sanitasi Tanah Dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan Masa Depan. Jurnal IATPI, 2(4), 1–6.
Entirely in Bahasa Indonesia: [].
- Mangkoedihardjo, S., & Tim. (2021). Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Sistem Hidroponik dalam Penerapan Urban Farming di Kecamatan Mulyorejo Surabaya. Repositori profil dosen ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2021). Visiting Profesor dengan tema Ekosistem Prasarana Lingkungan di Program Pascasarjana UPR Palangka Raya. Repositori profil dosen ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2021). Short Course Online 2021 dengan tema Referensi Pilihan dan Sitasinya di Program Pascasarjana Universitas Palangka Raya. Repositori profil dosen ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S., & Tim. (2020). Sosialisasi pengolahan air limbah laundry di kecamatan Sukolilo, Surabaya. Repositori profil dosen ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S., & Tim. (2020). Sosialisasi Pengelolaan DAS Kali Welang Kabupaten Pasuruan. Repositori profil dosen ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S., & Tim. (2020). Bincang Santai Bersama Pakar Teknik Lingkungan ITS. What To Do Covid-19 Pandemic? Prespective From Five Labs. Repositori profil dosen ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2020). Kuliah umum online dengan Tema Penghijauan lingkungan adaptasi pascasarjana Universitas Palangka Raya. Repositori profil dosen ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2020). Kuliah umum online dengan Tema Indikator Praktis Kerusakan dan Pemulihan Kualitas Lingkungan di Prgram Studi Pascasarjana Universitas Palangka Raya. Repositori profil dosen ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S., & Tim. (2019). Pelatihan Limbah Rumah Tangga di Desa Jatisari, Kecamatan Senori, Kabupaten Tuban. Repositori profil dosen ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S., & Tim. (2019). Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Penyelesaian Pelaksanaan Penyusunan Studi Kelayakan Pemilihan Lokasi TPA Kabupaten Banyuwangi, BAPPEDA Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Repositori profil dosen ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2018). Workshop Fototeknologi-Riset Terkini dan Prospek Masa Depan. Repositori profil dosen ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S., & Tim. (2017). Pengolahan limbah industri pembuatan tempe skala home industry di kelurahan Kedung Baruk, kecamatan Rungkut, Surabaya dengan menggunakan sistem reed bed. Repositori profil dosen ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2017). Kuliah umum untuk Mahasiswa Program Pascasarjana Universitas Sriwijaya Khususnya program studi Magister Pengelolaan Lingkungan. Repositori profil dosen ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S., & Tim. (2016). Workshop pengolahan air limbah rumah tangga di kecamatan Rungkut. Repositori profil dosen ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S., & Tim. (2016). Penggunaan Membran untuk membuat air layak minum meningkatkan kondisi kesehatan dan permukiman di Kejawan Putih Tegal Timur, Sukolilo, Surabaya. Repositori profil dosen ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2016). Pelatihan Penulisan Jurnal Ilmiah Internasional yang diselenggarakan oleh Program Studi Arsitektur Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Riau. Repositori profil dosen ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S., & Tim. (2015). Pilot scale pengolahan air tanah di kecamatan Rungkut, Surabaya. Repositori profil dosen ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2015). Workshop penulisan artikel Jurnal Internasional Program Pascasarjana Univ. Hasanuddin Makassar. Repositori profil dosen ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2015). Workshop peningkatan jumlah Publikasi Ilmiah Nasional/Internasional denga judul “Teknik Penulisan artikel ilmiah nasional/internasional” diselenggarakan oleh Prodi S1 TL Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar. Repositori profil dosen ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2015). Pelatihan Penulisan Artikel Jurnal Ilmiah bagi Dosen di Lingkungan Universitas Jember. Repositori profil dosen ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2015). Pelatihan dan pendampingan penulisan karya ilmiah Jurnal Internasional 11 Agust 2015 di Universitas Negeri Malang. Repositori profil dosen ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2015). Kuliah Tamu di FT-Teknik Sipil Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar. Repositori profil dosen ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S., & Tim. (2013). Pelatihan Merencanakan Merancang dan memelihara Infrastruktur Ruang Terbuka Hijau dan Sanitasi Permukiman. Repositori profil dosen ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2013). Kajian Efek Akut dan Kronis AIr Limbah Industri Perikanan di Muncar terhadap Atemia dan Daphnia, Banyuwangi. Repositori profil dosen ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2007). Advances in Solid Waste Treatment. Department of Environmental Engineering ITS and Department of Environmental Engineering for Symbiosis of Soka University.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2006). Lokakarya Kurikulum. Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan FTSP ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (1999). Pelatihan quality assurance/quality control. ITS Surabaya.
- Mangkoediharjo, S. (1996). Pendidikan dan latihan tenaga teknik penyediaan air minum III. Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (1995). Pendidikan dan latihan tenaga teknik penyediaan air minum II. Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (1995). Pelatihan problematika kualitas air secara mikrobiologi di jaringan pipa air minum dan penanggulangannya. Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (1994). Pendidikan dan latihan tenaga teknik penyediaan air minum angkatan I. Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (1993). Permasalahan dan penanganan bahan buangan beracun dan berbahaya dalam aspek pembangunan bidang air minum dan air buangan dalam mewujudkan pembangunan berwawasan lingkungan. Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (1993). Penataran metode penelitian Bogor, Indonesia. Ditjen Dikti Departemen Pendidikan.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (1986). Pola penanganan limbah industri di Jawa Timur. Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan ITS.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (1985). Penanganan sampah kota Sidoarjo. Arsip personal.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (1984). Bakti Pramuka Gugus Depan Surabaya 610-611. ITS Surabaya.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2016). Phytotechnology for Bioremediation of Contaminated Soils–The Essential Conditions for Mixed Plants. In Current Trends in Biotechnological Research for Environmental Sustainability (pp. 23–24). Presented at the 3rd International Postgraduate Conference on Biotechnology (IPCB) 2016, Surabaya: ITS Indonesia, Soka University Japan, University Malaysia Terengganu.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2014). Quantitative Phytotechnology for Environmental Pollution Prevention (p. 6). Presented at the 2nd International Biology Conference (IBOC) 2014: Biodiversity and Biotechnology for Human Welfare, Surabaya: Department of Biology ITS.
- Damayanti, A., Ujang, Z., Salim, M. R., Ahmad, Z., Nawawi, Z., Ismail, N., … Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2013). Bacterial Identification in Hybrid Membrane Bioreactor of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME). In The 4th International Seminar of Environmental Engineering Department of Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (pp. 287–294). Presented at the The 4th International Seminar of Environmental Engineering Department of Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia: Proceeding ISEE 2013.
- Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2008). Coastal Greenspace for Depollution of Inland Sanitation Practices and Sea-based Sources (p. 6). Presented at the International Conference 2008, Sustainable Environmental Technology and Sanitation for Tropical Region, Surabaya: ITS.
- Honorary medals:
- Satya Lancana Karya Satya XX, 2006.
- Dwidya Satya Madya 25 years, 2009.
- Satya Lancana Karya Satya XXX, 2015.
- Adhidarmabakti 35 years, 2020.
- Award as outstanding lecturer at university and national level in 2010.